The Rise of the Working Mother

Gone are the days when parenting was solely perceived as the mother's domain. Today, both parents often find themselves balancing the demands of career and family life. The rise of the working mother is a testament to the strides made in gender equality, but it also presents a unique set of challenges. Balancing work commitments with family responsibilities requires a delicate dance—one that often leaves working mothers and fathers feeling torn between professional aspirations, family obligations and the division of responsibilities.

The pressure to excel in all spheres, alongside societal expectations often placing an undue burden on parents, particularly mothers. The elusive quest for ‘work-life balance’ becomes a constant juggling act, where every decision comes with a trade-off. Should you attend the important meeting or your child's school play? The choices are never easy, and the guilt of not being present in every aspect of your child's life can weigh heavily on parents' minds.

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